周恒,男,1991,安徽芜湖人,博士,副教授,青岛大学特聘四层次教授,硕士研究生导师,旅游交叉学科研究中心副主任。世界交通运输大会(WTC)交通运输与经济技术委员会青年委员。主要科研领域为游客选择行为分析,旅游与交通运输管理、无人驾驶公共交通、绿色交通出行等。近几年在International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Journal of Transport Policy, Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part D, Transport Geography, Applied Geography等国际SSCI期刊上发表论文若干篇。担任Transport Policy, Transportation Research Part D, Habitat International,Research in Transportation Business & Management等期刊匿名审稿人。
Zhou, H., Chi, X., Norman, R., Zhang, Y., & Song, C. (2024). Tourists' urban travel modes: Choices for enhanced transport and environmental sustainability. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 129, 104144.
Zhou, H., Song, C., Chi, X., Li, W., & Han, H. (2024). Refining hospitality in a post-pandemic landscape: Tourist food choices through a latent class nested logit lens. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 117, 103652.
李维维,王圆圆,周恒*,马晓龙等. (2024)生态型城市旅游综合体空间结构演化及机制—以青岛灵山湾为例,地理科学.
Chi, X.,Zhou, H., Cai, G., & Han, H. (2024). Investigation into the festival brand co-creation mechanism: extended application of the customer-based brand equity model. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 41(3), 377-395.
Zhou, H., Song, C., Sun, Q., Kelobonye, K., Chi, X., & Norman, R. (2023). Investigating college youth travellers’ food choices using latent class modelling: A case study in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28(6), 573-590.
Wang, K.,Zhou, H., & Kelobonye, K. (2022). Think crisis-think female? Female top management team member replacement in the hospitality and tourism firms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107, 103331.
Das, S., Sun, Q. C., &Zhou, H. (2022) Geoai to Implement Individual Tree Inventory: Framework and Application of Heat Mitigation. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 74, 127634.
Chi, X., Meng, B.,Zhou, H., & Han, H. (2022). Cultivating and disseminating a festival image: the case of the Qingdao International Beer Festival. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,39(4), 371-391.
Zhou, H.,Sun, Q., Blane, A., Hughes, B., Falkmer, T., & Xia, J. (2021). Investigating On-Road Lane Maintenance and Speed Regulation in Post-Stroke Driving: A Pilot Case–Control Study.Geriatrics, 6(1), 16.
Kelobonye, K.,Zhou, H., Xia, J. C., & McCarney, G. (2021). Assessing the potential of an effective density-based measure against accessibility models for evaluation and prioritisation of activity centres.Applied Geography, 128, 102390.
Zhou, H., Norman, R., Kelobonye, K., Xia, J., Hughes, B., Nikolova, G., & Falkmer, T. (2020). Market segmentation approach to investigate existing and potential aviation markets.Transport Policy, 99, 120-135.
Zhou, H., Norman, R., Xia, J., Hughes, B., Kelobonye, K., Nikolova, G., & Falkmer, T. (2020). Analysing travel mode and airline choice using latent class modelling: A case study in Western Australia.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 137, 187-205.
Kelobonye, K.,Zhou, H., McCarney, G., Xia, J., & Swapan, M. S. H. (2020). Measuring job, education and shopping accessibility with competition using the cumulative opportunities measure.Journal ofTransport Geography, 85, 102706.
Zhou, H., Xia, J., Norman, R., Hughes, B., Nikolova, G., Kelobonye, K., . . . Falkmer, T. (2019). Do air passengers behave differently to other regional travellers?: A travel mode choice model investigation. Journal ofAir Transport Management, 79, 101682.
Zhou, H., Xia, J., Luo, Q., Nikolova, G., Sun, J., Hughes, B., . . . Falkmer, T. (2018). Investigating the impact of catchment areas of airports on estimating air travel demand: A case study of regional Western Australia. Journal of Air Transport Management, 70, 91-103.
Kelobonye, K., Xia, J. C., Swapan, M. S. H., McCarney, G., &Zhou, H.(2020). Analysis and Optimisation Strategy of Employment Decentralisation in Perth through Density and Accessibility Indicators. State of Australian Cities Conference 2019, Perth, Australia.
Kelobonye, K., McCarney, G., Xia, J. C., Swapan, M. S. H., Mao, F., &Zhou, H. (2019). Relative accessibility analysis for key land uses: A spatial equity perspective. Journal of Transport Geography, 75, 82-93.
Kelobonye, K., Xia, J. C., Swapan, M. S. H., McCarney, G., &Zhou, H.(2019). Drivers of Change in Urban Growth Patterns: A Transport Perspective from Perth, Western Australia.Urban Science, 3(2), 40.
科研成果: Deregulation and Competition: Comparison of Regional Aviation Markets in Western Australia
奖励名称:亚太空间卓越奖之博士研究生奖(Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards , APSEA)
授予单位:测量、空间科学研究所(Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, SSSI),空间产业商业协会(Spatial Industries Business Association, SIBA)