所在单位及职称:青岛大学, 管理科学与工程学院, 副教授
2014/01 – 2014/02,香港理工大学, 应用数学系,副研究员
2013/01– 2013/08,香港理工大学,工商管理学院,副研究
2012/07 – 2013/01,新加坡南洋理工大学,系统与工程管理
l C. Maand C. Y. Wang*(通讯作者), A nonsmooth Levenberg-Marquardt method for solving semi-infinite programming problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 230 (2),pp.633-642, 2009(SCI检索).
l C. Ma*(通讯作者), X. Li, K. F. C. Yiu,Y. J. Yang and L. S. Zhang, On anexactpenaltyfunctionmethod forsemi-infiniteprogrammingproblems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 8(3), pp.705-726, 2012.(SCI检索)
l C. Ma*(通讯作者), X. Li, K. F. C. Yiu and L. S. Zhang, Anewexactpenaltyfunction forsolvingconstrainedfinitemin-maxproblems, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,33(2), pp.253-270, 2012.(SCI, EI检索)
l C. Y. Wang, Q. Liu,C. Ma*(通讯作者), Smoothing SQPalgorithm forsemismoothequations withbox constraints, Computational Optimization and Application,55(2),pp.399-425, 2013.(SCI检索)
l C. Y. Wang,C. Ma*(通讯作者), J. C. Zhou,Anewclass ofexactpenaltyfunctions andpenaltyfunctionalgorithms, Journal of Global Optimization, 58, pp.51-73, 2014.(SCI检索)
2011.07: 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, (IFORS 2011), 10-15 July, 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
题目: Search -based Advertising Auctions with Choice-based Budget Constraint.