1. Zhou, X., Guan, Z., Pang, Y., Ji, X.(纪翔峰*), & Lin, X. (2022). Health diagnosis of bus operation based on multi‐source data. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. Forthcoming.
2. Zhou, X., Xi, J. *, Guan, Z., & Ji, X.(纪翔峰)(2021). Dispatching Design for Customized Bus of Hybrid Vehicles Based on Reservation Data. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 8868291.
3. Ji, X.(纪翔峰), Chen, X.#, Mirza, N., & Umar, M.#* (2021). Sustainable Energy Goals and Investment Premium: Evidence from Renewable and Conventional Equity Mutual Funds in the Euro Zone. Resources Policy, 74, 102387.
4. Ji, X.(纪翔峰), Zhang, Y.#, Mirza, N., Umar, M.#*, & Rizvi, S. K. A. (2021). The impact of carbon neutrality on the investment performance: evidence from the equity mutual funds in BRICS. Journal of Environmental Management, 297, 113228.
5. Umar, M.#, Ji, X.(纪翔峰*), Mirza, N., & Naqvi, B. (2021). Carbon neutrality, bank lending, and credit risk: Evidence from the Eurozone. Journal of Environmental Management, 296, 113156. (热点论文)
6. Umar, M. #, Ji, X.(纪翔峰*), Mirza, N., & Rahat, B. (2021). The impact of resource curse on banking efficiency: Evidence from twelve oil producing countries. Resources Policy, 72, 102080. (ESI高被引论文)
7. Umar, M.#, Ji, X.(纪翔峰*), Kirikkaleli, D., & Alola, A. A. (2021). The imperativeness of environmental quality in the United States transportation sector amidst biomass-fossil energy consumption and growth. Journal of Cleaner Production, 285, 124863.(ESI高被引论文、热点论文)
8. Ji, X.(纪翔峰), Umar, M.#*, Ali, S., Ali, W., Tang, K.*, & Khan, Z. (2021). Does fiscal decentralization and eco‐innovation promote sustainable environment? A case study of selected fiscally decentralized countries. Sustainable Development, 29(1), 79-88. (ESI高被引论文)
9. Ji, X.(纪翔峰*), & Chu, Y.# (2020). A target-oriented bi-attribute user equilibrium model with travelers’ perception errors on the tolled traffic network. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 144, 102150.
10. Umar, M.#, Ji, X.(纪翔峰*), Kirikkaleli, D., Shahbaz, M., & Zhou, X. (2020). Environmental cost of natural resources utilization and economic growth: Can China shift some burden through globalization for sustainable development?. Sustainable Development, 28(6), 1678-1688. (ESI高被引论文)
11. Umar, M.#, Ji, X.(纪翔峰*), Kirikkaleli, D., & Xu, Q. (2020). COP21 Roadmap: Do innovation, financial development, and transportation infrastructure matter for environmental sustainability in China?. Journal of Environmental Management, 271, 111026. (ESI高被引论文)
12. Ji, X.(纪翔峰), Ban, X.*, Zhang, J., & Ran, B. (2019). Moment-based travel time reliability assessment with Lasserre’s relaxation. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7(1), 401-422.
13. Zhou, X.*, Hu, J., Ji, X. (纪翔峰*), & Xiao, X. (2019). Cellular automaton simulation of pedestrian flow considering vision and multi-velocity. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 514, 982-992.
14. Ji, X.(纪翔峰), Ban, X.*, Zhang, J., & Ran, B. (2017). Subjective-utility travel time budget modeling in the stochastic traffic network assignment. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(6), 439-451.
15. Ji, X. (纪翔峰), Ban, X. J.*, Li, M., Zhang, J., & Ran, B. (2017). Non-expected route choice model under risk on stochastic traffic networks. Networks and Spatial Economics, 17(3), 777-807.